Jason Sudeikis on Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon
Jason Sudeikis joined Jimmy Fallon in a fun game of Drinko on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Thursday.
“I’m here with my pal Jason Sudeikis right now and we’re about to play a fun new game called Drinko,” Fallon told the audience.
Sudeikis and Fallon had to climb up to the Drinko game board to drop colored discs into the board. The discs would sink down into a plastic cup containing a specific drink. Some of the drinks included were: beer, pea soup, bubble tea and Tang.
The point of the game is for your opponent to drink a combination of whichever drinks the discs fell into.
Sudeikis was up first and the audience couldn’t help but laugh when the comedian’s first disc got stuck in the middle of the board after he dropped it. “Great job,” the voice from the Drinko board shouted.
Sudeikis tried again and hit a Capri Sun drink, along with a bubble tea. Fallon had to drink up the capri sun bubble tea mix, and the host took his time finishing off his glass.
“If you puke we have to put it back in,” Sudeikis joked.
Fallon was up next and managed to pick wine spritzer and bubble tea. The audience threw out a few “ewws” as Sudeikis prepared to gulp down his mix.
Sudeikis was able to finish the drink in one shot, but grimaced a bit when he swallowed. “Why is bubble tea a thing?,” Sudeikis said.
Check out their hilarious game of Drinko for yourself:
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