A key participant in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot has been apprehended in South Dakota, according to the FBI. The man, William George Knight, faces a multitude of charges in connection with the Capitol attack, which includes felony counts of assault of a federal officer and obstruction of law enforcement in a civil disorder.

The FBI’s affidavit vividly depicts Knight’s involvement in the riot. Video evidence compiled by “sedition hunters” shows him as one of the first to breach the initial barriers, actively ripping away police barricades as the mob confronted law enforcement. Eyewitness accounts and footage further depict Knight aggressively engaging with officers, at one point rushing toward the police line with an extended flagpole, only to then smash it against the concrete.

Online sleuths had previously dubbed Knight the “Dreaded Proud Boy” due to his distinctive blond dreadlocks and proximity to members of the far-right organization in the initial Capitol breach. However, federal prosecutors have not presented evidence directly linking him to the group.

The affidavit also highlights Knight’s distinctive tattoos, including one under his left eye and what appears to be the emblem of the Cadillac car company on his neck. These features, coupled with his vocal confrontation with law enforcement, have solidified his place as a memorable figure in the events of that fateful day.

Knight’s actions did not stop at merely breaching the barriers. Video evidence shows him actively using a giant metal-framed election sign as a battering ram against the line of police officers before shoving one of them. The intent behind this symbolic sign has been debated, with some rioters facing convictions related to its handling. In contrast, others have been acquitted on such charges due to the “ambiguous” nature of the evidence.

The ongoing legal proceedings surrounding the Capitol attack have been far-reaching, with federal prosecutors charging more than 1,425 rioters and securing over 1,019 convictions. The sentences have ranged from a few days behind bars to 22 years, like former Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio, who was convicted of seditious conspiracy.

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