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If you happen to follow the Billboard dance charts, or spent some time at the club this summer, you might have seen an Italian pop song notably peak in the US top thirty for over a month. The song, Flames, is the creation of rising Italian pop singer-songwriter Alessandro Coli, who recently began collaborating with American producer, C-Rod.


Embarking on his US press tour, Coli was visibly excited about his song’s success when he sat down to share his story with uInterview. He attributed the rapid success of Flames, which reached the #22 spot in just ten days of being on-the-air, to the many remixes of the single. “It was the remixes that made it go further; in fact, it was the ‘Billboard’ dance chart,” he said. Coli further expressed his excitement over the sudden career boost. “Without being, you know, someone very important, doing just my stuff and being so young, it’s been an amazing feeling, amazing emotions, and I hope I’ll come back always doing better and better.”

With Flames stylistically complementing the work of US pop performers, it’s no surprise that Coli cites among his musical influences artists like Shawn Mendes and Drake. But, the singer songwriter further revealed that his music tastes have a very different origin from what one would think. “My music travels start from very, very far. I started listening only to Queen music, so it developed in a certain way,” he confessed.

Part of Coli’s recent move into the American music industry has been his recent collaboration with producer C-Rod, whom he initially reached out to after the producer remixed his first two international singles, My Religion and Flames. Interested in turning his prior work into a full, American-style EP, Coli reached out to C-Rod for help. “At a certain point I wanted to do eight songs, you know; just to have a bunch of songs that had an American production. So, I said, “Hey, why don’t we try to stay in the studio like a whole week together and try to make the best as we can,” he said. “Together we put out like eight songs in seven days, it was like a Guinness World Record!”

Now in the US promoting this completed EP and music videos, the young pop artist is on the lookout for his next collaboration. It looks like his sights are set on a certain hip hop star. “I’d love to [collaborate] with everybody, but right now I think Drake is one of my favorites, for now, of the ones that are doing so well now in the US.”

Coli’s first EP, “Senza Paura,”  is currently available for digital download.

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Q: How does it feel to have your song ‘Flames’ reach #22 on US charts? -

Amazing. It was the remixes that made it go further; in fact, it was the ‘Billboard’ dance chart and it was…from Italy, you know, without being, you know, someone very important, doing just my stuff and being so young, it’s been an amazing feeling, amazing emotions, and I hope I’ll come back always doing better and better.

Q: Does your music reference any specific influences? -

Well, I think it has all the modern pop influences that surround pop now. Pop music, by the way, the lyrics are often expressing what I personally live, so it’s a bit of my world put into music. If I had to refer to any other artists, I’d say I have influences such as maybe Shawn Mendes, who’s been one of the guys I aspire to be, or Drake; the last things he did, I loved it. But, yeah, my music travels start from very, very far. I started listening only to Queen music, so it developed in a certain way and you just have to just listen to it, you know?

Q: What is it like collaborating with producer “C-Rod”? -

I started working with him because he made the first remixes of my first two international singles, ‘My Religion’ and ‘Flames.’Then, he produced as well “Flames” in the pop version, and at a certain point I wanted to do eight songs, you know; just to have a bunch of songs that had an American production. So, I said, “Hey, why don’t we try to stay in the studio like a whole week together and try to make the best as we can?” And he traveled to Italy, to my studio, and together we put out like eight songs in seven days, it was like a Guinness World Record! It was one of the biggest experiences I’ve had in the studio.

Q: Who do you want to collaborate with next? -

Many! I’d love to with everybody, but right now I think Drake is one of my favorites, for now, of the ones that are doing so well now in the US.