Director James Mangold gave us a small glimpse into his upcoming film Indiana Jones 5. This still-untitled project has been kept under heavy wraps and delayed repeatedly due to Covid-19, but we now know it’ll feature an introduction where a digitally-younger Indiana Jones will take on his old enemies from Raiders of the Lost Ark: Nazis.

“I wanted to dive into this kind of full-on George (Lucas) and Steven (Spielberg) old picture and give the audience an adrenaline blast,” Mangold told Empire. Harrison Ford won’t be de-aged for the full film, just for this sequence set in 1944, and the director said he most wanted to capture “the buccaneering spirit of those early days.”

Along with digital tricks, they also recreated old wardrobe pieces like the jacket Indy wore for Raiders, and it’s great that they are blending in-camera tricks along with digital wizardry. Other digital de-aging processes haven’t worked so well in the past, like with Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy, but given how much filmmaking tech advances every year it’s very possible this sequence will look totally great.

In other Indiana Jones news, Harrison Ford won’t be going it alone in this movie. We just got a chance to see the actor and writer Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s character in the first official shot showing her in the movie. She will be playing Helena, who is reportedly the goddaughter of the iconic character.

Indy 5 has filmed all over the world in areas including London, Sicily and Fez, Morocco.

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