Rita Ora, who co-hosted this year’s MTV Europe Music Awards with Taika Waititi, looked stylish for the show’s red carpet in Dusseldorf, Germany. The singer and actor, who is currently a coach on The Voice Australia and a panelist for Masked Singer UK, rocked the show with a hippie-style flowery bodysuit which was partially see-through and tapered up to a cool collar around her neck.
Artists like Gorillaz, Muse, OneRepublic and Tate McCrae performed at the show itself. While hosting the show, Ora reportedly changed outfits eight times, and hey if you couldn’t decide on the main look of the night why not go with eight?
Taylor Swift was the biggest winner of the night, winning the categories of Best Artist, Best Video, Best Pop and Best Longform Video. Other winners were Chloë Bailey who took home Best R&B and Gorrilaz who won Best Alternative.
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