Hillary Clinton warned Americans that Vladimir Putin will attempt to meddle in the upcoming 2024 election. 

“I fear that the Russians have proved themselves to be quite adept at interfering, and if he has a chance, he’ll do it again,” she shared during an interview on Inside with Jen Psaki

Clinton spoke about how she feels that Russia’s interference in U.S. elections is not talking about enough.

“I don’t think, despite all of the deniers, there is any doubt that he interfered in our election, or that he has interfered in many ways in the internal affairs of other countries, funding political parties, funding political candidates, buying off government officials in different places,” Clinton said.

She continued to assert that Putin “hates democracy” and​​ “he particularly hates the West and he especially hates us. And he has determined that he can do two things simultaneously. He can try to continue to damage and divide us internally, and he’s quite good at it.” 

She lost in the 2016 election to Donald Trump, which she states is because Putin did not want her to be president. “Part of the reason he worked so hard against me is because he didn’t think that he wanted me in the White House,” she explained.

She continued to describe Putin as “this authoritarian dictator who literally kills his opposition, kills journalists, poisons people who disagree with him, invades other countries, interferes with our election.”

She asserted that Americans “have to reject this in this election, we have to reject authoritarianism, we have to reject a kind of creeping fascism almost, of people who are really ready to turn over their thinking, their votes to want to be dictators. We can’t allow that to proceed.” 

During the interview, Clinton also spoke about Trump and that she believes he engaged “in what psychologists call projection.”

She is referring to the statements Trump typically makes when he makes accusations against other people.

“Whenever he accuses somebody of doing something, it’s almost guaranteed he’s doing it himself or he’s already done it,” she said. “Or whenever he denies thinking about doing something – or doing it – it’s almost guaranteed he is thinking about it, or has already done it.”


  • Cody
    Cody on

    Hillary clinton is a lying crooked criminal and she knows there has pmly neen election issues caused by the democrats. Why isnt she on prison

  • Robert Tuinstra ro
    Robert Tuinstra ro on

    Hillary Clinton is irrelevant. Are we going to get a RUSSIA, RUSSIA,RUSSIA PHENOMENON ARE WE?

  • Lindell R Lovelace
    Lindell R Lovelace on

    Russian spies started to infiltrate the American Right in the late 50’s. The current Republican congressional drive to chaos is only the latest result. An easy guide to the connection is simply, “What will make Putin laugh?” It’s been a good enough predictor to keep my level of surprise down for the last several years.

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