HBO Reveals Jon Snow’s Birth Father In ‘Game of Thrones’ With New Infographic
Game of Thrones revealed a surprising change in Jon Snow’s (Kit Harrington) parentage during the Season 6 finale Sunday — prompting HBO to release a helpful infographic of Snow’s new family tree on Wednesday.
HBO Provides Fans With Infographic Of Jon Snow’s True Family
Snow was revealed to be the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark — and not, as previously known, the illegitimate child of a random road fling by Ned Stark.
The Westeros family tree is being changed to highlight Snow’s new identity and HBO provided fans with a way to trace his entire lineage.
HBO’s infographic shows how the truth about Snow’s parentage changes his relationships with everyone in town.
Snow now appears to be connected to 100 years of alliances, rulers, power grabs and revolutions within the seven kingdoms.

Infographic by HBO
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