The trailer for The Casual Vacancy, the miniseries adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s bestseller, hit the Internet Friday.

The Casual Vacancy Trailer

Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy, her first novel intended for an adult audience, explores the aftermath of the death of Barry Fairbrother in the small English town of Padford. With Barry dead, the parish council has an empty seat for which a war is waged to fill. While the townspeople vie to win the seat, their many secrets threaten to be exposed.

“I am the ghost of Barry Fairbrother, and I am watching you,” Rory Kinnear, who plays the late councilman, says in voiceover in the trailer. “Everyone’s got skeletons rattling in their cupboard. Everyone’s got something.”

“You should all be looking over your shoulders,” he adds, “Clock’s ticking.”

The Casual Vacancy two-part miniseries premieres April 29 and 30 on HBO. It was directed by Doctor Who‘s Johnny Campbell.

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Article by Chelsea Regan

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