Climate activist Greta Thunberg testified virtually before Congress on Friday, otherwise known as Earth Day. She spoke to the House of Representatives about how Americans must act now to save the planet, advocating for ending fossil fuel subsidies, divesting from fossil fuels and ending new fossil fuel exploration.

She presented her speech on the first day of the two-day Climate Summit hosted by President Joe Biden. Her testimony was both strong and heartbreaking. Thunberg said that her generation and the generations to come after her are the ones who will hold lawmakers accountable for their actions.

“We, the young people, are the ones who are going to write about you in the history books,” Thunberg said. “We are the ones who get to decide how you will be remembered. So my advice for you is to choose wisely.”

Thunberg is not only known for her raw stance on climate change but also for her reactions to criticism of her cause. She recently changed her Twitter bio to “Bunny Hugger” after U.K Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “tackling climate change is about growth and jobs, not expensive bunny hugging.” She also previously changed her bio to say “Currently Chilling” after former President Donald Trump told her to “chill” back in 2019.

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