Gina Rodriguez hit the red carpet at the star-studded 2016 ESPY Awards in an edgy black dress.

Gina Rodriguez’s Latest Look

Rodriguez, best known for starring on The CW’s Jane the Virgin, wowed in a black Safiyaa dress with cutouts throughout the bodice at the ESPYs. Styled by Lauren Rodriguez, she accessorized with Cesare Paciotti shoes, Butani earrings and rings by Hearts of Fire and Levian.

Rodriguez’s makeup look was put together by Marina Gravani. Paul Norton did Rodriguez’s ESPYs hairstyle.

3rd look of the day for the #espyawards was on the always beautiful @hereisgina who featured soft #sexy #beachwaves also using @joico #hairshake and #makeup by @marinagravani and styled by @whatlaurenloves #hairjoi #ilovethisgirl #ginarodriguez #waves #texturedhair

A photo posted by paulnortonhair (@paulnortonhair) on

The day after the ESPYs, Rodriguez apparently decided it was time to have even more fun with her look, and debuted her new blond ‘do. “I mean I did have fun as a brunette,” she captioned the picture.

A photo posted by Gina Rodriguez (@hereisgina) on

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Article by Chelsea Regan

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