In response to a question about equal pay for women at last night’s presidential debate, Mitt Romney offered up a less-than-eloquent response. He said during his time as governor of Massachussets he actively tried to hire women for cabinet positions by reaching out to women's organizations, who brought back "binders full of women."

This comment has instigated an outpouring of public disdain and mocking. Not surprisingly, Twitter quickly blew up on the topic, with two Twitter handles devoted to the subject, @Romenysbinder and @Romenys_Binder, as well as trending topics such #bindersfullofwomen. Here are some of Uinterview’s Top 10 favorite funny Binder tweets:

10. There are going to be #bindersfullofwomen voting for Obama on Nov.6. —@RobbieSherwood.

9. Mitt Romney still won’t say whether he’d stand up for equal pay, but he did tell us he has “binders full of women.” https://OFA.BO/LMVWmZ@BarackObama

8. Injustice. Binders full of women sold for $0.77 at Staples. Binders full of men selling for $1.00. #bindersfullofwomen —@BigBirdRomney

7. If you like it then you shoulda put three rings on it. #bindersfullofwomen —@KellyFrank91

6. When Romney is president he'll put a chicken in every pot and a woman in every binder #BindersFullOfWomen —@fauxmachine

5. @MittRomney's so smooth he doesn't have a little black book, he has #BindersFullOfWomen…? #debates —@saracjohnsonGA

4. Mitt, here's my number in a binder – call me maybe? #bindersfullofwomen —@Denice_Ashely

3. 99 problems but a #binderfullofwomen ain't one. Mitts new slogan. #debate2012 —@AnnoyedGamer
2. Anyone found Romney's binders full of women? Sounds like, "I have lots of black friends." #BindersFullOfWomen —@labattfartoui

1. "why are all the pages in this binder stuck together?" – Ann Romney #bindersfullofwomen —@anyashy

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