A man from Ocala, Florida was arrested last week at the Patrick Space Force Base after he showed up there in a stolen car to warn them about “U.S. aliens fighting with Chinese dragons.”

Corey Johnson reportedly told Brevard County deputies when attempting to access the secure base that he had stolen the Ford F150 he arrived in and didn’t know its owner. They later confirmed the vehicle was indeed stolen from the Riviera Beach area.

He also added that President Joe Biden told him through his mind to warn the Space Force of this plot and that Biden also telepathically gave him the authority to steal the car. To Johnson’s credit, a telepathic President using aliens to fight Chinese dragons sounds like a cool, if slightly culturally insensitive, Doctor Who episode.

Johnson is facing charges of grand motor vehicle theft and was in custody at the Brevard County Jail as of Sunday.

The Space Force was established by the Trump Administration in 2019, and the Patrick Base was incorporated into the force at that time. It operates U.S. satellite launches from the East Coast through its unit Space Launch Delta 45

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Jacob Linden

Article by Jacob Linden

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