‘Finding Carter’ S2, E13 Recap: Carter Gets Into A Bar

In Tuesday night’s episode of MTV’s new show Finding Carter, a whole new dynamic was established in multiple relationships: between the protagonist Carter and her boyfriend Crash, between Carter and her brother Ben, and between Ben and his father, David. The drama series follows high schooler Carter Wilson (born Lyndon), an attractive and popular girl who was abducted at the age of 3 by a woman named Lori Stevens. In this episode, Carter (Kathryn Prescott, E4’s Skins) is living with her biological family, parents David (Alexis Denisof) and Elizabeth (Cynthia Watros), her fraternal twin sister Taylor, and younger brother Grant.
‘Finding Carter’ S2, E13 Recap
In this episode, Lori once again shows up, clearly unannounced, at Carter’s school. After an uncomfortable encounter with Carter and Ben, during which the former angrily tells Lori to stay away from her, Carter and her parents discuss at the dinner table that night the possibility of obtaining a restraining order on Lori.
Carter also attempts to learn more about her long-lost brother Ben by giving him a ride after school, but Ben is unwilling to reveal much. She also follows Ben to a house that at first seems to be his, but upon seeing a man enter the house, Carter quickly realizes that Ben is breaking and entering, sneaking into a toolshed of some sort in the backyard. As the man walks out the back door and Carter approaches Ben, the two run and drive off in Carter’s car before the man catches them. Ben opens the bag to reveal his trove of stolen items: credit cards, fake ID’s and thousands of dollars in cash.
Later that evening at a party, Taylor and a boy compete in a drinking game to see who is truly “number one,” after a tense argument over who is the best student at their school. Taylor had been the number one student until then, but this boy claims to have just usurped her. Taylor ends up gaining the lead in the game, and after several drinks, the boy appears sick, although Taylor seems to be able to hold her liquor just fine. Taylor says they can stop if she wants, yet her friend Gabe, who is moderating the game, seems eager to let the game go on. Taylor then gets angry with Gabe in front of all the other guests at the party, and scolds him for wasting away his father’s money.
The two then reconcile and Taylor explains that she was just trying to show that she cares about him. Carter’s boyfriend Crash also coldly interacts with Ben after she introduces them to each other, and expresses concern to Carter about Ben’s reckless behavior that he believes put her in danger.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth learns that Lori is planning on writing a book about Carter, which leads Elizabeth to confront her and threaten her at Lori’s house.
The episode ends with Carter, Ben, and a girl nicknamed ‘Bird’ that Ben has begun dating, all going to a bar with the help of a few fake ID’s that Ben helped manufacture for the three of them. Before leaving Carter’s house, Ben finally meets his father and brother (David and Grant). At the bar, Carter is hit on by a man, but is quickly saved by the owner, who pretends to be her boyfriend and scares the man away. Carter lies, stating she attends a local community college. After a conversation with Crash about how, even though she loves him, she does not need him to take care of her, Carter decides to return to the bar the next day and apply for a server position the owner told her was open.
Finding Carter airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST (9 CT) on MTV.
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