In a sit-down conversation with uInterview, Taskmaster‘s Greg Davies and Alex Horne shared their favorite tasks from their British comedy series. Taskmaster is a comedy game show in which five celebrities compete in unique challenges of intelligence to win the prize pot, which consists of the other contestants’ personal belongings. Davies hosts the show and is assisted by Horne, the creator of the series, who sets up the challenges. Asked about their favorite tasks from this season by uInterview founder Erik Meers, Horne dove in, “There was one in which they had to sing a song by a campfire; the least annoying song wins. I liked that. Trying to do something that’s definitely annoying in a non-annoying way. That was a good little twist. There was one which they had to teach me a lesson I never forgot; most unforgettable lesson wins.” Taskmaster Season 19 is now available on the Taskmaster SuperMax+ streaming app.

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