Kevin Smith, best known for writing and directing ’90s slacker comedies such as Clerks and Chasing Amy, may not be the first name to appear on a list of authoritative political pundits, but Smith has some unique and interesting reasons for choosing Mitt Romney as his candidate. “If it’s gonna be Romney I can breathe a sigh of relief because I just saw Book of Mormon on Broadway and I love it,” Smith said in our exclusive interview. “He’s got a kooky religion, as depicted in the musical. It’s fun and adventurous and whatnot.”

Smith, who in 2011 directed the controversial film Red State about the extreme views of Christian fundamentalists, went on to criticize Romney’s redoubtable opponent, Rick Santorum. “The Santorum guy, I’ve heard all of his speak before, not particularly from him, but people of his ilk,” Smith said, referring to Santorum’s greater constituency among socially conservative Tea Party activists and evangelicals. “Lately the dude is talking about ‘You know what’s wrong with this country? Pornography!’ And I’m like, ‘Buddy, that’s one of the only things right about this country!'” Smith said before pleading with Santorum not to be such a party pooper. “One of the only kickback moments most of us have — men or women — is to look at naked pictures. Please don’t take our naked pictures from us,” he begged.

It should come as no surprise that Smith wants to protect Americans’ rights to freely enjoy graphic content. In his latest book, Tough Shit: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good, Smith thanks his father’s sperm and candidly describes having sex with his wife — much to be expected from a screenwriter whose films are heavy on certain four-letter words. But don’t assume you know everything about Smith’s beliefs. “I’m spiritual myself; I believe in God,” he said, after characterizing Santorum as a “Bible-basher,” or someone who is repugnantly aggressive with their religious dogma. Smith added: “I don’t need some dude judging me and how I live, and cramming God down my throat.”

So does that mean we can add Smith’s name to the list of card-carrying Romney supporters? Well, not exactly. “I’m not a Republican anyway, so really it doesn’t affect me,” he said. “I’m going Obama either way.”



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  • reverendflash
    reverendflash on

    That's a VERY misleading headline. It makes it sound like Smith will be voting for Romney, and he clearly says he's voting for Obama at the END of the article.

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