Entourage, the popular HBO comedy that follows a group of friends living in Hollywood and leaching off their famous friend, has released the first trailer to its movie spinoff. The entire main cast is returning for the film: Adrian Grenier, Jeremy Piven, Kevin Connolly, Jerry Ferrara and Kevin Dillon. New cast members seen in the trailer include Billy Bob Thornton, Haley Joel Osmont and Kid Cudi. Picking up several years after the end of the series which completed its run in 2011, Piven’s Ari Gold is now running a movie studio and has allowed his favorite client, actor Vincent Chase (Grenier) to direct a film that is possibly about a cyborg DJ on the run from the police. Ari doesn’t like the movie and has a temper tantrum. Turtle (Ferrara) has lost weight and nobody recognizes him.
The full synopsis has also been published via Wikipedia: “The film picks up where the series left off, chronicling the continuing career of movie star Vincent Chase and his entourage of friends. Ari bankrolls Vince’s directorial debut with a hundred million dollar budget which goes fifteen million dollars over. He does this by securing financing from a Texas billionaire Larsen McCredle and his son Travis who says that if the film fails Ari will go down worse than the Hindenburg. Vince continues his carefree lifestyle saying if the film fails he will probably move back to Queens. Now with his own studio Ari deals with the problems of being a start up movie producer in his own ill tempered way.”
The film opens June 5, 2015.
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