Elon Musk’s estranged daughter Vivian Wilson has shared the upsetting manner in which her father reacted to her coming out as transgender.

In an interview published on March 20, Wilson, 20, told Teen Vogue that her mother was “very supportive of my transition.” She added, “She is a published writer of supernatural romance fiction, which is where I get all my Vivian-isms.”

>More: Elon Musk Said His Transgender Daughter Was ‘Killed By The Woke Mind Virus

Wilson further praised her mother, Justine; “When I came out to her, she was like, ‘Yeah, that figures.’ She kind of [figured it out], so when I came out, she pretended to be slightly surprised for 30 seconds and then was like, ‘Yeah, honey, OK.’”

In harsh contrast to her conversation with Justine, Wilson remembered Musk, “Was not as supportive as my mom…First of all, I had not talked to him in months – in months – so I had to get f—ing parental consent to get testosterone blockers and [hormone replacement therapy].”

In the past, Musk has claimed that he was “tricked” into signing Wilson’s gender-reassignment medical treatments, and is mourning the “death” of his son to the “woke virus”.

Wilson filed to change her name and gender in 2022 at 18. She has asserted that Musk was fully aware of what signing the papers accounted for.

Wilson recalled what drove her to come out: “I was constantly having mental breakdowns in the middle of class. I could not get through days. I didn’t want to wake up, I didn’t want to do anything…I just wanted to rot, pretty much…It was like, I cannot do this anymore. If I stay in the closet anymore, this is going to take me down a very destructive path.”

She remembered when she first decided to make a change, “It was 11:00 p.m. and I was like, ‘I know for a fact that I a trans.’ I had known for a few months at that point, and I was like, ‘I cannot f—ing do this anymore’…that was the point where puberty was really picking up and everything in my life was completely falling apart.”

Extremely vocal about her estrangement from Musk, Wilson has recently made jokes about having to learn of the birth of her 13th and 14th half-siblings through social media.

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman

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