Doja Cat wowed her fans once again with her stunning Halloween costume as Miss Sara Bellum from the nostalgic cartoon, The Powerpuff Girls. The 26-year-old rapper looked remarkable as always with a black-buckled red dress, black heels, and the iconic auburn wavy hair.
Even though fans of the cartoon have never seen Miss Sara Bellum’s face, Doja Cat put her own interpretation of the character to the test. She evidently did a great job, since fans were showering the comment section of her Instagram post with compliments like, “You won Halloween this year” and “Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️.”
This wasn’t the popular musician’s only costume — she also rocked an astonishing Princess Kida costume, from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
The singer recently won raves as the host of the MTV VMA Awards.
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