Prince William and Kate Middleton welcomed their first born son and heir to the British throne, Prince George, on Monday. When they went to bring the baby boy home Tuesday evening, some are suggesting the first-time parents failed to safely strap him into his car seat.

As the royal baby placed in the car seat by Prince William, many noticed that only one strap appeared to be holding him in place. Furthermore, the strap that crossed his chest was too loose – there should only be enough room for a finger to fit under. If that wasn’t enough, the baby appeared to still be swaddled, which would have made it impossible for the strap to properly snap between his legs.

Those coming to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s defense say that it appeared in the video that Kate tightened the straps once William snapped the car seat into its base in the backseat of the Range Rover. Others insist that critics keep in mind that though royal, the pair is still new to parenting and liable to make missteps like any other.

Straps issues aside, William received high praise for the speed at which he was able to install the car seat into the backseat. He also surprised onlookers for going the “normal” route and driving his family to Kensington Palace himself. “People are often surprised that William’s doing the driving,” explained CNN's Victoria Arbiter. “But he tends to drive the couple a lot. He is very keen for people to see that he is normal. We often hear about his desperate desire to be normal. He’s a family man, husband, and a father.”

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For More Royal Baby News:

George Alexander Louis: Prince William And Kate William Announce The Name Of Royal Baby

Kate Middleton’s Parents, Michael And Carole Middleton, Visit Royal Baby

Kate Middleton, Prince William Leave Hospital With Royal Baby

Royal Baby Update: Kate Middleton Gives Birth To Baby Boy, Prince Of Cambridge

Kate Middleton In Labor At Hospital; Royal Baby’s Birth To Be Announced On An Easel


  • ellabee
    ellabee on

    They definitely did not strap him in safely – in fact, in a crash he could have been thrown out given the way the straps were fastened. Babies need to be unswaddled, with nothing between them and the car seat, and the harness put on snugly. His parents have made the same mistake that many, many new parents do, and hopefully they will learn fast. Unfortunately not everyone gets a second chance – it's not unheard of for babies to be killed on their first ride home from the hospital because they were unsafely restrained in their seat. I hope Kate and William get some good advice soon from someone who really knows how to do this – and that every other new parent in the country takes note.

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