As the deadly Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, it was reported that two high-ranking Russian generals were killed while fighting in the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine.
A telegram channel Volya Media first reported the death of Major General Roman Kutuzov, who was leading an assault on a Ukrainian settlement. This account was later echoed by Russian reporter Alexander Sladkov, who said, “The general had led soldiers into attack as if there are not enough colonels.”
Lieutenant General Roman Berdnikov, who was in the same area, was also killed over the weekend. In general, Russian commanders have been on the front lines in higher numbers, and it was reported that U.S. intelligence agencies assisted Ukraine with targeting military commanders.
The actual count of killed generals in Ukraine remains a mystery. While Ukraine has claimed that at least a dozen generals have died in the conflict, Russia on the other hand has only acknowledged the killings of four generals since the beginning of the invasion. It’s hard to tell which side is closer to the truth, as there has been evidence of at least three generals Ukraine said they killed reappearing.
Russia’s official total death toll of the invasion reportedly hasn’t been updated since March 25, when the said 1,351 soldiers lost their lives in the first month of the conflict. Urkaine says the Russian deaths have exceeded 20,000 so far.
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The shooter was identified to be John R. Lyons, 24, of Westchester, Illinois.
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