A new documentary coming soon asks a big question: Was Abraham Lincoln, one of America’s most famous presidents, gay? Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln will be in AMC movie theaters on September 6.

The documentary will examine Lincoln’s life before becoming president in 1860. It looks at his close friendships with other men. The makers of this film believe these friendships might have been more than just friendly.

It includes interviews with experts who study Lincoln’s life. These academics come from major institutions such as Harvard and Columbia. “Lincoln probably slept in the same bed with more men than he did with women,” one scholar said.

Back in Lincoln’s time, about 150 years ago, it was customary for men to share beds. People didn’t think about it the same way we do now. The film tries to explain the cultural context of the times.

The idea that Lincoln might have been gay isn’t new – scholars have been debating the topic for a long time.

There are even books and other movies that imagine Lincoln as a gay man. Currently, the Broadway play Oh, Mary! showcases Lincoln as a gay man hiding his true self. The play, written by comedian Cole Escola, takes place weeks before Lincoln was killed. It’s been praised by Variety as “unquestionably the funniest, gayest, campiest play Broadway has seen in years.”

The film uses old photos and letters to try to prove its point. It seeks to make viewers think differently about Lincoln and how we see sexuality in history.

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