Crispin Glover stars in the crime thriller The Bag Man with John Cusack, Robert De Niro and Rebecca Da Costa. In the film, directed by David Grovic, Glover plays a motel receptionist with an unnerving quality about him, who befriends the motel's criminal guest, played by Cusack.
For Glover, The Bag Man was something of a diamond in the rough. Following his turn as the Knave of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, Glover received numerous offers for parts – but not many of the variety that Glover was looking for at this point in his career. “The year that I got this I hadn’t acted in a couple of years. I was in Alice in Wonderland, which was the largest grossing film I’ve ever been in. I expected a lot of offers, and I did get a lot of offers,” Glover told Uinterview exclusively. “But there was something that I was getting offered that I really didn’t like and it happened like at least four projects in a row, and they were good money too.”
Read Crispin Glover's Full U Q&A Here
Wary of revealing what kind of parts he was being offered for fear the offers would continue, Glover did admit that he was drawn to The Bag Man chiefly because of the strength of its script. “Part of what was nice about the dialogue is you can interpret it in different ways even with speaking it,” Glover said. “We did, for most of the scenes, multiple takes. We played on certain scenes with a fair amount of interpretative differentiation, which was enjoyable to do. You don't always do that on a film.”
The Bag Man reunited Glover with Cusack, with whom he starred with in comedy flick Hot Tub Time Machine. Glover spoke highly of the actor, who, like him, got his big break in an '80s teen film. “I only did one film in between [Hot Tub Time Machine and The Bag Man], so I almost worked with him twice in a row. He’s a good trained actor, and he understands good material,” said Glover.
The Bag Man hit theaters today, Friday, Feb. 28.
– Chelsea Regan
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