Corey Feldman, the famed former child actor, tweeted on Tuesday evening to inform his fans that he was hospitalized. He explained a man opened his car door and stabbed him, adding that he believes this attempt on his life is linked to his endeavors to expose Hollywood’s pedophilia rings.
Three men approached Feldman’s car while his security personel were “distracted,” with one man opening the door and stabbing the former child actor. Thankfully, Feldman closed his initial tweet by affirming that he’s “OK.”
“A person opened the driver door, made a stabbing motion at the actor’s midsection and then fled,” LAPD Officer Drake Madison told CNN. Madison noted Feldman drove himself to the hospital, and although his midsection was red, there were no lacerations. The LAPD is currently investigating the crime as “an assault with a deadly weapon.”
Feldman has been open for years about Hollywood’s darker side. In 2016, he again addressed Hollywood’s pedophilia problem, speaking from experience about the long-lasting repercussions the abuse could have, and late last year he took to social media to discuss his plans to reveal the truth through a crowd-funded documentary. He also admitted that his life had turned into “utter chaos” following his announcement, saying, “I’ve been silenced my whole life, but just over the past few days since I made that announcement, I’ve been arrested, I had a near-death experience last night where I felt like I was almost going to be killed. Two trucks came speeding at me at the same time on a crosswalk.”
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According to Feldman’s tweets, he’s endured “mounting threats” across his social media platforms. He believes the attack on him last night may be connected to his efforts to expose the men who abused him as a child.
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