Christian Bale, 38, who has played Bruce Wayne in the last three Christopher Nolan Batman films, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises — the last of which turned into a tragic fatal event at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, where alleged gunman James Holmes took up arms against the viewers of the packed premiere, leaving 12 dead and 58 injured — surprised Aurora residents on Tuesday when he visited survivors at the Medical Center of Aurora and paid his respects to the slain victims at a flower-strewn memorial site with his wife, Sibi Blazic.

Before the visit, Bale released a statement expressing his sentiments about the tragedy. "Words cannot express the horror that I feel. I cannot begin to truly understand the pain and grief of the victims and their loved ones, but my heart goes out to them." Perhaps Bale was trying to tap into those emotions when he visited the hospital room of Friday's shooting victim Carey Rottman, who later posted a photo of himself with Bale on Facebook, reports CNN.

Bale didn't tell anyone he was coming to the hospital before he arrived, dressed casually in a dark t-shirt and jeans. "He just wanted to meet with victims and police," said Bill Voloch, interim president of the hospital, reports "The patients were really happy to meet Bale," Voloch added. "They are obviously big fans of his movies. They wanted to see Batman and were really pleased to see Bale. It was good for the patients. We hope it was therapeutic for them, and all the staff really appreciated him coming."

Warner Bros. executive vice president for corporate communications, Susan Fleishman, also confirmed that Bale was just acting as a concerned citizen. "Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers," Fleishman said.

The Dark Knight Rises director Nolan also released a statement about the shooting, expressing his "profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy," and actress Anne Hathaway said, "My heart aches and breaks for the lives taken and altered by this unfathomably senseless act."

For more on The Dark Knight Rises and the Aurora shootings:

'Dark Knight' Shooter James Holmes In Courtroom: Was He Medicated?

'Joker' James Holmes' Mug Shot Released

Christopher Nolan Speaks Out About 'Unbearably Savage' Shooting At 'Dark Knight Rises' Aurora Premiere

Christian Bale And Heath Ledger's Father Address 'The Dark Knight Rises' Shooting

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VIDEO: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Unleashes Two New TV Spots

SPOILERS: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Promises A 'Spectacle'

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Catch The Prologue Of 'The Dark Knight Rises' In IMAX

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