On Mother’s Day, celebrities shared warm messages, throwback pictures and photographs of their own kids on Instagram and Twitter. Chris Evans, Fergie, Mark Wahlberg, Tyra Banks, Reese Witherspoon, Pink and Carey Hart, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Victoria Beckham, Katie Couric and James Franco were among the stars who turned to social media to thank their moms and celebrate their own motherhood Sunday.
At the 2025 Golden Globe Awards, a playful moment stole the spotlight when Sofía Vergara…
Fans are buzzing with excitement over Zendaya's diamond ring and her new "T" tattoo, which…
https://youtu.be/-MgSsz6yd_0 Newly released footage shows the suspect Shamsud-Din Jabbar in the attack in New Orleans…
Former model Loni Willison, 41, was seen rummaging through a Los Angeles dumpster on New…
Former Home Improvement star Zachery Ty Bryan, 43, was arrested Wednesday in Myrtle Beach, S.C.,…
Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and attorney for Donald Trump, testified Friday in…