Carter Evans, a CBS reporter, was caught in the firefight that ended the weeklong manhunt for the ex-LAPD officer with a vendetta, Christopher Dorner.

Evans, while covering the Dorner story, found himself square in the action when the firefight broke out between the armed suspect and law enforcement. As the audio feed came into the network, massive amounts of gunfire could easily be heard. The station continued coverage throughout the volley of bullets. “It certainly sounds like a lot of gunfire,” the station anchor said to Evans.

“We don’t want to get caught in the crossfire,” Evans replied before another, more violent round of gunfire was heard. The gunfire was only interrupted briefly when an authoritative voice was heard shouting, “Get the f–k out of here!”

Once the gunfire seemed to subside, the station anchor inquired of Evans if Dorner was still presently barricaded inside of the cabin. Although there was no initial response from Carter, it was later determined that the CBS reporter had thankfully not been injured. He returned to the air a short time later.

During the firefight, two deputies were shot, one of which died according to ABC News. It is believed that the charred body found among the ashes of the Big Bear Lake cabin is that of Dorner, and that the manhunt has ended.

Watch Evans recounting his experience with Extra below:

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