Season five of the spy thriller television show, Burn Notice, premiered Thursday night, upending fans' expectations. The show, which airs on the USA newtwork, follows Michael Weston (Jeffrey Donovan, pictured), a spy who has been "burned" by his agency. In previous seasons, Weston has tried to track down the people responsible for destroying his career and his life. As season five begins, Weston has reengaged with the CIA and is back working for the very people who burned him.
Because of the new storyline, creator
Matt Nix is having to rework the concept of how the story will play out. Rather than a revenge plot line, the story will follow Weston as he refamliarizes himself with his old career. Nix said in an interview that the primary tension with the character will be his realization that he no longer likes what he was doing as a spy, as reported on
Crave Online.
Season five of Burn Notice also will include new characters, a device that can go either way for fans who may be used to the characters they have come to love. Dylan Baker, a familiar face on numerous television shows in which he has guest starred, and Grant Show, who rose to stardom on Melrose Place in the 1990s, will play recurring roles as Weston's boss and handler. Nix said he felt the inclusion of new characters was necessary for the show to continue after this season.
Burn Notice premiered in 2007. Season five will include 12 new episodes aired over the summer, with another five to end the season airing this winter.