The popular, but short-lived HBO series Bored to Death, created by Jonathan Ames and starring Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson and Zach Galifianakis, is on pace to become a movie. The series, set in Brooklyn, followed Schwartzman's fictional Jonathan Ames, a writer by day and a private detective by night, as well as his friend Ray (Galifianakis) and his friend/former editor George (Danson).
While the movie has yet to secure a director or a shooting schedule, it does have a loose plot — Ames will land a job as a policeman, while Ray and George will move in together — and a premise: "Jonathan, Ray, and George reunite to fight crime, commit crime, lose their minds and fail at love in a Bored to Death feature-length slapstick adventure!"
Bored to Death ran for three seasons and 24 episodes on HBO before it was cancelled in 2011. The show initially had a solid following and averaged over one million viewers during its second seaon when it aired on Sunday nights; however, when it was moved to Mondays it managed less than a quarter of that, THR reports.
With this long-rumored project making its way back into the mainstream, it means fans will get to see more of their favorite Bored to Death actors, especially Schwartzman, who sat down with Uinterview recently to discuss his latest movie, A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan, starring Charlie Sheen and directed by Roman Coppola.
—Hal Sundt
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