Bollywood actor and former Bharatiya Janata Party MP Vinod Khanna passed away after battling cancer. He was 70.
Khanna had been admitted to a research hospital in Mumbai on April 5 due to “severe dehydration.” Rumors that the illness was becoming more advanced began spreading after a photo of the actor looking very frail appeared, but neither the hospital nor his sons would comment.
Khanna is survived by his wife Kavita Khanna and his four children – Rahul Khanna, Akshaye Khanna, Sakshi Khanna, and Shraddha Khanna.
Khanna’s career began with many small roles and eventually made it big as the villain in Mera Gaon Mera Desh. Khanna was considered by many to be the originakl heartthrob of Bollywood. He became famous following this for his roles in Amar, Akbar, Anthony, Gaddaar, Kurbaani, Jurm, and Mere Apne.
“Very sad to hear about Vinod Khannaji. A decent man and a star till the very end,” wrote singer Asha Bhosle in tribute.
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