The currently untitled sequel to the Ridley Scott‘s much loved Blade Runner is to be released on Jan. 12, 2018. It will star Ryan Gosling alongside Harrison Ford, reprising his role as police officer Rick Deckard. Denis Villeneuve will be directing. Working with him will be multi-Oscar winning Roger Deakins as cinematographer who worked with Villeneuve on Sicario and Prisoners.

The co-writer of the original movie, Hampton Fancher, will be writing the story with Michael Green, based on a story by Fancher and Scott. The sequel will take place several decades after the conclusion of the 1982 movie, having it take place somewhere around 2039.

Alcon Entertainment acquired rights for both the film as well as the television and ancillary franchise rights a few years ago from the late producer Bud Yorkin and Cynthia Sikes Yorkin to produce prequels and sequels to the original. Cynthia Sikes Yorkin will be a co-producer with Alcon co-founders Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson, and Bud Yorkin will receive production credit as well. Scott will be executive producer with Frank Giustra, Bill Carraro, and Tim Gamble.

Principal photography will begin in July.

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