Big Brother was due for another eviction on Thursday night’s episode, which began with Aaryn Gries, Jeremy McGuire and Spencer Clawson on the chopping block.
Following the Veto nomination ceremony, Helen Kim is still on a high from being able to put Jeremy on the block, Aaryn doesn’t know how she’s going to kiss up to revert all the ill-will she’s fostered and Jeremy receives an encouraging peck on the cheek from Kaitlin Barnaby. Aaryn bemoans the fact that Jeremy is on the block next to her, while Jeremy, instead of dwelling on the merits of Helen putting him up, dons a baby get up.
When Aaryn does make an attempt to win over the house, she does so using calisthenics and twerking – making a poor comparison to Miley Cyrus. No one seems to warm to Aaryn. Regardless of whether or not she recognizes the apathy of her housemates, she complains to Judd about having to play nice. “You know, it’s hard for me to act the way I’ve been acting, and being like nice to everyone,” she tells him.”
GinaMarie Zimmerman, meanwhile, continues to be all Fatal Attraction about Nick Uhas. Thankfully for him, he’s no longer in the house. The same can’t be said for her remaining housemates. When they decide to have some fun with the distraught GinaMarie and hide some of Nick’s stuff she’s been hanging onto, she completely loses it on them.
Campaigning to stay alive, Jeremy promises Helen that if she’ll help keep him around he’ll never make a play against her or Elissa Slater. He actually says to her, “You give me one more week, and you have the rest of my game.” Helen’s intrigued, but says he’ll have to shape up his attitude if he wants her as an ally.
When it’s time to vote: Candice Stewart, Andy Heron, Howard Overby, Elissa, Amanda Zuckerman, McCrae Olson, Jessie Kowalski and Judd Daughtery all vote for Jeremy. The ever-faithful Kaitlin was the only one in the house to vote otherwise, casting her vote for Spencer. When it’s time for Jeremy's departure interview with Julie Chen, he admits he make have come in a little bit too cocky, but mostly blames his intimidating physique and profile for putting people off. He also tells Julie that Kaitlin may have slowed him down a bit.
Sick of seeing Elissa win MVP week after week, the producers have thrown a twist into the twist. Going forward, instead of the audience voting for an MVP, they’ll vote for the third person put up for eviction.
The Head of Household game this week, named “Big Brother Royalty,” also involves the audience. The contestants are faced with six “royal” names. Their objective is to correctly match the "royal" name with one of two contestant names, which has been decided by the show’s viewers. The options were as follows, and the correct answer is bolded: “Earl Of Egotism”: Aaryn/Jessie, “Lord Of Laziness”: Judd/McCrae, “Baron Of Boneheads”: Spencer/GinaMarie, “Knight Of Naughtiness”: Amanda/Kaitlin, “Duke Of Dork”: Andy/Helen, “Sultan Of Sexy”: Elissa/Howard.
At the end of the game, McCrae, Kaitlin and Judd are tied. The tie breaker question requires them to guess how many gallons of milk it would take to fill the vats in the “Scary Dairy” competition. Judd becomes the next Head of Household after making the closet estimate.
Big Brother returns to CBS Sunday at 8/7c.
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