'Big Brother' Recap: Donny Says Goodbye
Big Brother said goodbye to fan favorite – and hopelessly good guy – Donny in last night’s elimination episode.
Donny Is Evicted
With both Donny and Nicole on the block for eviction, no one really knew who to vote for. Both had been good, strong players, and both had rallied loyalty and support from fellow houseguests. Nicole goes to the Detonators to campaign for votes, and for once, the all-male alliance is truly at a loss to determine who is the biggest threat. On the sly, Derrick tells Nicole that he’ll have her back, and he sits back while Frankie and Caleb try to decide who to send home.
Caleb argues that Nicole could be the bigger threat because she has brains and strength, making her a bigger contender in physical competitions. Either way, it’s a lose-lose, Caleb and Derrick agree. Cody sees Donny as the bigger threat, pointing out to the guys that they have tried to take him down before and failed, but they have bested Nicole before. Frankie says he wants Nicole to go home, Cody wants Donny gone, Caleb seems okay with either, and Derrick desperately tries to keep them from forcing him to voice an opinion that could come back to haunt him later on.
Christine's Husband Doesn't Like Her Flirting
Meanwhile, Big Brother took the audience along on home visits to meet the families of Cody and Christine. Christine’s husband Tim felt uncomfortable at Christine’s flirtatious relationship with Cody. “Christine’s relationship with Cody is…a bit odd. Personally, I do think a couple of boundaries have been crossed,” Tim said.
Christine’s mother also expressed disappointment at the flirting relationship, and even said she wants her daughter to come home because she’s worried that Christine is getting too close to Cody. Meanwhile, Cody’s family laughed at his ability to flirt his way through the competition.
Donny was unanimously evicted, but the decision was clearly difficult for the houseguests, who were silent after Donny left the house. In his exit interview, Donny admitted that his feelings were hurt, saying, “I feel a little let down with Team America.” But that was the closest he came to voicing any anger towards the housemates that evicted him.
“I knew coming in, with my age, what I look like, that I was going to be different. So, if I made it past the first week, I could befriend people. I have an art of befriending people,” Donny told Julie Chen about his decision to play a more individual game.
Chen also told Donny that The Bold and the Beautiful wants him to guest star on the soap.
Finally, the HOH competition was a winter-themed challenge called ‘Sloppy Snowman,’ that involved all the contestants trying desperately not to slip and fall on ice.
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