Previously on Big Brother, Victor became HoH and the Final Four alliance nominated James and Natalie for eviction. The Veto competition saw a shameless promotion of CBS’s new show “MacGyver” in which the houseguests had to escape a series of rooms in the shortest amount of time. Natalie set the bar high by escaping the room in less than ten minutes, but it was Corey who escaped the room faster, earning himself the Power of Veto. After the Veto comp, Paul and Victor told James that Natalie attempted to throw him under the bus and blame James for Victor’s second eviction. Personally I don’t think Natalie meant to betray James in her conversation with Paul and Victor, because immediately afterwards she told James everything that she had said. Paul and Victor twisted Natalie’s words to gain James’ trust in an attempt to keep themselves safe if he stays this week. Predictably, Corey chose not to use the PoV, leaving Jatalie on the block together for eviction night.
As with any eviction night, Chenbot opens the show with a recap of what transpired between the Veto ceremony and the present. With the eviction looming, tensions were high between James and Natalie. Natalie harbored resentment towards James for his decision to trust NiCorey over Paul and Victor and James felt betrayed by Natalie after Paul and Victor claimed she threw him under the bus.
The tension between Jatalie boils over when James tries to get into bed with Nat. Natalie says she wants to sleep alone and moves over to the other bed (Natalie WHY). Confused by her actions, James insinuates that Natalie has been using him this entire game because she tried and failed to start showmances with Victor, Corey, and PAULIE (James NO). Natalie vehemently denies ever using James and is hurt by his claim of her and Paulie having a showmance, as she had made it clear earlier in the season that Paulie’s advances were unwanted. Natalie is then shown crying in the Diary Room professing her feelings for James and her hurt at his Paulie comment (omg my heart is hurting rn). James then leaves the room and is consoled by weasel Paul, Ratcole, and the rest of the Final Four alliance.
Next Julie “blesses” us with an update from Big Brother’s Jeff and Jordan. As with Brenchel, the showmance of seasons past reveals that they too will soon be parents. CBS really needs to stop shoving Jeff and Jordan (mostly Jeff) down our throats. I can’t be the only one who remembers the homophobic remarks Jeff made the last time he played Big Brother, right?
After that unnecessary filler update, Julie gives us a glimpse into the Jury house as Big Meech arrives. According to Mama Da’, Zakiyah dropped her and Bridgette and went back to her f*ckboy Paulie (Damn Z, WHY? He is fine af though). Meech arrives, sans tears, and plays her eviction tape for everyone. Paulie and Da’Vonne are impressed by Ratcole’s ability to scurry around the house and stay off everyone’s radar while Meech is still salty.
Finally, it is time for the live eviction and to say goodbye to one half of America’s favorite showmance. It’s clear that the house is evicting Natalie as Natalie’s final statement was to say farewell and thanks to her fellow houseguests and to James whom she calls her soulmate and best friend. James’ statement is void of any campaigning to stay and is directed mostly to Natalie to whom he feels blessed to share the summer with (*sobs*). Natalie is evicted unanimously and hugs all the houseguests, takes a basil plant (?), and tells James that she loves him (though no second hug or kiss goodbye).
Natalie tells Julie that her feelings for James were true and that she cares about him very much. She apologizes that her words were perceived as betraying James and states that that was never her intention. After a very sweet goodbye message from James, we say farewell to Nat as she heads to the Jury house (Love you, Natalie!!).
Next a familiar HoH competition kicks off as the players must slide across a track and fill a container with liquid to reach a ball inside. The competition is well underway as the episode comes to a close. Who will win HoH (please James) and who will be nominated for eviction? Find out Sunday night at 8pm EST on Big Brother.
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