Joe Biden’s presidential campaign ridiculed Donald Trump on social media after he nearly fell onstage during a Minnesota rally.

“A feeble Trump nearly falls down on stage after he leans on his podium too hard and then goes on an angry rant calling his event workers’ crappy,'” Biden-[Kamala Harris] HQ wrote on X.

This post also included a video of Trump, at the Minnesota Republican Party’s annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner in St. Paul, wobbling on the platform and blaming the contractor for putting it up poorly.

“You know, this is the worst platform,” the former president stated after almost tipping the podium over. 

“Who put this stage up,” he then asked.

“The fricking place is falling down,” he stated jokingly. “It keeps tilting further left. Like too many other things. What a crappy contractor this was.”

Even though both Trump and Biden endured humiliating gaffes, they have each tried to portray as evidence of the other’s senility.

The ages and abilities of these men have been questioned during the election cycle. 

A shock poll released in early 2024 found that 60% of Americans do not feel that Trump and Biden have the mental capacity to serve as president.

In early May, Trump was mocked on X for stating that his 18-year-old son, Barron Trump, was 17 years old. Barron turned 18 on March 20.

Trump made this mistake on May 9 when he was asked during an interview with Miami’s Telemundo 51, NBC’s Spanish-language network, about his son entering politics now that the Florida GOP chose him as an at-large delegate for the state at the Republic National Convention in July.

When asked for comment, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung responded to Trump’s error, saying that “NBC News has lost its mind and clearly suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

Cheung also mentioned that “instead of focusing on President Trump’s second-term agenda and undoing Crooked Joe Biden’s disastrous policies, NBC has chosen to engage in tabloid journalism fit for the checkout aisle of a grocery store.”

During the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln-Reagan Dinner, Trump demanded Biden take a drug test before their first debate, arguing that the president had been “high as a kite” during the State of the Union address.

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