‘Better Call Saul’ Season 3 Finale Recap: The Brothers’ Fight Ends In Tragedy

The Better Call Saul season three finale starts with a scene from Jimmy and Chuck’s childhood. Chuck reads by lantern-light, as he’s convinced he’s allergic to electricity, and he assures Jimmy that everything will be ok.
After the title card rolls, we return to where we left off last week – with Jimmy taking care of Kim, her arm in a cast. “You’re not feeding me, Jimmy,” she says. “There are lines we do not cross.”
Later, at HHM, Chuck seems to believe he’s fixed the his issues at the company, but Howard isn’t having it. He hands him a check for $3 million, the first of three to buy out Chuck’s part of the firm. “You won,” Howard tells him before parading him around the office, letting everyone know Chuck is departing.
After hearing this news, Jimmy heads over to Chuck’s house to make sure he is alright. To Jimmy’s surprise, all the lights are on in the house, and music is even playing. Chuck appears mentally sound and indifferent to Jimmy’s appearance and worry.
“Jimmy, this is what you do. You hurt people,” Chuck says to his little brother. “In the end, you’re going to hurt everyone around you. You can’t help it. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but the truth is, you’ve never mattered all that much to me.”
Jimmy is devastating by this and leaves. Chuck, meanwhile, has a breakdown about the electricity, and flips every switch off in the fuse box. But he believes he can still hear an electrical whir coming from something in the house. He goes on a rampage, unscrewing every lightbulb and pries every outlet plate. The scene is reminiscent of Mike Ehrmantraut pulling apart his car, but where that ended in a solution, this scene ends with Chuck taking a baseball bat to his electric meter.
We skip over to Hector Salamanca and Nacho, who are joined by Gus Fring and Juan Bolsa. Gus tells Hector he will no longer be the main charge of the drug transport operation, and Hector reacts badly. So badly that he falls to the ground clutching his chest, undoubtedly the incident that will turn him into the mute, wheelchair-ridden, bell-ringing man of Breaking Bad. It is a shock to see Gus work to save the man, giving him CPR.
Then we see Jimmy in a selfless act restore the dignity of Irene Landry, by purposely admitting what he did while hooked up to a hot mic. He knows the move will cost him, but at least his conscious should be clear. “I’m gonna need a whole new business model when I get my license back,” he says.
At the very end, we are brought back to Chuck’s house, where he is mid-mental breakdown. He is wrapped in a blanket with clutter all around, his house in shreds. A lantern sits precariously on top of a pile of rubble. He stares at it and begins to kick, until the lantern falls, and the flames spew everywhere.
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