Kristen Drysdale, an Australian journalist who recently welcomed her third child with her husband Chris, named their son “Methamphetamine Rules.”
The name was approved by the New South Wales, Australia Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages.
In response, a spokesperson said they’ve strengthened their system so it doesn’t happen again. Drysdale’s reason for naming her child after the drug comes from working on a story for WTFAQ, an ABC program. The question, “What can I legally name my baby?” has often been raised by viewers.
The then-pregnant Drysdale thought about the “most outrageous” name they could think of that would not be accepted. She submitted the name “Methamphetamine Rules,” which ultimately was approved.
The registrar has admitted it was a rare oversight. Drysdale says her son’s “normal” name should be approved any day now.
In Australia, swear words, sex acts and slurs of any kind are blacklisted as names. Less offensive things, such as official titles, are also banned. Individual registrars can still disapprove names on a “case-by-case” basis.
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