The son of actor George Hamilton, Ashley Hamiltonwas arrested for threatening a hotel employee with a knife last month. Now, he has admitted that he was under the influence of oxycodone at the time.

At 5 a.m. on August 24, police responded to a call from a luxury Beverly Hills resort where a hotel staff member reported that they had found Ashley asleep on the couch in the hotel lobby. When they tried to wake Ashley up, he grew irritated and pulled a knife on them.

Once he had been located by the police and the knife recovered from the lobby, Ashley was arrested for misdemeanor brandishing, as the hotel employee said they intended to press charges. Suspected to be under some influence, Ashley was taken to the hospital, where he admitted he had taken oxycodone, which he acquired through a prescription for squamous cell skin cancer.

Ashley told reporters he doesn’t remember much of the interaction but can assume he was frightened by the hotel employee’s sudden wake-up and jumped to his instincts. He asserted that he never had any intention of hurting anyone.

The case has been forwarded to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office officials, who will decide whether Ashley’s actions should entail additional charges.

Ashley’s had a rocky summer, as his ex-wife Shannen Doherty died on July 13, 2024, after battling breast cancer. Ashley was married to Doherty from 1993 to 1994.

“Even though things don’t always work out the way we hope they will, she stood by my side during some of my darkest times,” he told TMZ. “My love and admiration for her lasted far longer than our short-lived marriage.”

Ashely lamented to the outlet that he wanted to give Doherty “space and peace” and thus hadn’t extended to her through her health problems. He remembered, “Watching her battle that horrific disease with such stoicism was inspiring to many, but even more so to me since I am a cancer survivor… The world lost a free-spirited soul, and my heart aches for her and for all those who loved her. May she rest in peace.”

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