Apple might be getting ready to begin working on an ‘Apple Electric Car,’ according to new rumors.

Apple Electric Car, Inc.

In early February, a patent registered to “Apple Electric Car, Inc.” was registered, adding to the rumor that the tech company was moving towards creating their very own car. Another company, however, could have filed the patent, simply using the ‘Apple’ name in their title.

Still, it many believe that it’s only a matter of time before Apple enters into the car manufacturing business. Around the same time as the ‘Apple Electric Car’ patent was made public, another rumor circulated that Apple was testing out technology for a self-driving car. A van decorated with camera gear was spotted driving around the Bay Area in California, close to Apple headquarters.

Reports quickly circulated that Apple had leased the van and was testing a driver-free prototype or, a more likely scenario, that Apple was using cameras to create an accurate street view recording to compete with Google Maps. Though these rumors are unfounded, as one reporter pointed out, none of the facts have been confirmed, including the basic assumption that the car was, indeed, leased by Apple.

Meanwhile, Apple enthusiasts are still waiting for the company to begin shipping the new Apple Watch, which has yet to be released. Also rumored to be in the works at Apple are streaming music services, increased compatibility with other electronic devices and perhaps a new iPad and MacBook Air.

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