Amy Winehouse pleaded guilty Monday to disorderly conduct and assault in London’s Magistrate’s Court stemming from an incident in which she tussled with a bar manager. The judge, evidently impressed by her penitent demeanor and evidence that she was taking steps to deal with her alcohol issues, let Winehouse walk away with a slap on the wrist: two years of probation and a $300 reparation, according to the BBC.
The incident occured in December when Winehouse went out to a show at the Milton Keynes Theatre in Buckinghampshire, England to see a Cinderella pantomime in support of some friends who were part of the cast. Taking her place in the proud tradition of unruly rock stars, Winehouse caused a ruckus. When Winehouse asked theater manager Richard Pound for another drink, and he quietly suggested that perhaps she had had enough – she later admitted to consuming five vodka and Cokes. Winehouse responded by pulling Pound’s hair and screaming expletive-filled vitriol at the well-meaning manager. –JAKE GABLE
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