Alicia Ann Lynch, a 22-year-old, continues to be harassed after a photo she tweeted of her Boston Marathon bombing victim Halloween costume went viral, sparking outrage and leading to her dismissal from work.
Lynch, from Michigan, is seen wearing “bloody” running clothes in the photo. The photo caused a huge uproar, and internet users used Lynch’s social media accounts to find out personal information about her. Lynch had once posted a picture of her driver’s license to the social media site, which featured her parent’s address and other information that quickly spread around the world.
Lynch says she has received constant death threats since the picture emerged on Halloween and her parents have also been subject to threats. Immediately following the fall out from her ill-chosen costume, Lynch deleted all social media accounts, but then re-activated her Twitter handle @SomeSKANKinMI to issue a public apology and asking on-line attackers to stop harassing her family.
“Plz stop with the death threats towards my parents. They did nothing wrong. I was the one in the wrong and I am paying for being insensitive,” Lynch tweeted on Nov. 1.
Though, it appears that her Twitter account may have been compromised – it has been suspended and Lynch claims someone hacked her account and sent out the apology tweets.
Lynch also issued a statement addressing the controversy, repeating her apology and re-issuing her plea for people to leave her parents in peace.
“I am truly sorry to anyone that I may have offended or hurt with this. I know my apology doesn’t ever fix anything that has been done, but at least know that I am being sincere.
I can’t undo my actions or make up for them, but my apology is a start…I realize I was in the wrong with this and again, I am truly sorry,” Lynch wrote to Buzzfeed.
In an interview, Lynch elaborated on the death threats she and her family have been receiving since the photo went viral, saying that strangers have told her parents that they plan on blowing up their home and killing their daughter.
“How is that even right? She [my mother] didn’t know what I was doing. My family didn’t know what I was doing. I don’t live with them. And they’re all getting dragged into this for something I did,” Lynch told Buzzfeed.
Lynch confirmed that she lost her job, but did not want to elaborate on the exact circumstances, though it’s clear she was fired after the photo emerged.
In the course of her interviews, Lynch also revealed that she was raped last Thanksgiving and says that, as a survivor of such a horrible experience, she would never wish violence on someone else as retaliation or revenge.
Other viral, insensitive Halloween costumes this year include men who dressed up as Trayvon Martin (blackface included) and George Zimmerman and a man who dressed up as Avonte Oquendo, a young boy with autism currently missing in New York City.
– Olivia Truffaut-Wong
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