The wildly popular Pretty Little Liars, the ABC Family show that stars Lucy Hale (pictured), Holly Marie Combs, Ashley Benson, Troian Bellisario, Chad Lowe and Laura Leighton, was just renewed for a fourth season to kick off in mid 2013 with 24 one-hour episodes.

Pretty Little Liars is ABC Family's No. 1 series of all time and the No. 1 series on televison in the 12-34 demographic during the summer of 2012, reports Talk TV World. It follows the lives of friends Spencer (Bellisario), Hanna (Benson), Ella (Combs) and Aria (Hale) as they try to piece together the mystery surrounding their friend's death.

While, for the most part, Pretty Little Liars fans will be deprived of their beloved show until the last half of season three premieres in early January 2013 with "She's Better Now," there is a Halloween special, "This Is a Dark Ride." to be looking forward to — but don't worry! — it can't be nearly as scary as the mid-season cliffhanger.

Musical guest and American Idol season eight runner-up Adam Lambert, will perform his songs, "Trespassing" and "Cuckoo" from his latest album, on the special.

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