Prince Harry is a practical and methodical Virgo sun sign and he also has Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, in its own sign. This tends to make him someone who wants to be helpful and of service; perfecting things and getting them precise and correct is an important part of how he likes to shine. Recently, there have been big changes in his family structure with the arrival of Prince George, which now puts him fourth in line to the throne rather than third. These changes have been reflected by the planets Uranus and Pluto, which are currently aspecting his Ascendant and Descendant. So although we might not see it, his whole approach to life is changing. He is currently having his ‘Saturn return’ and just starting his 29th year, and so he will be making important and responsible decisions about the direction his life should take. As he has Saturn in the 9th house of his chart, then travel, beliefs and learning may all feature. The planet Neptune is gradually getting closer to oppose his natal mercury, and in 2014/2015 he might well take on a compassionate role and think more inclusively and spiritually. He could well want to be a leader in the way the world treats the environment and be someone who raises funds for environmental and earth saving or wildlife charities.
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