Ashton is an Aquarius Sun sign, known for his impartial and detached viewpoint as well as being somewhat unconventional and unorthodox. He currently has Saturn transiting Scorpio and challenging his planets in Aquarius, which is testing him with a lot of work. To a certain extent, he might find he has a somewhat restricted emotional life at the moment, as he works on continuing to establish his TV career in ‘Two and Half Men’. He has five planets in Aquarius, which show he is witty and inventive and originally eccentric, reflected in the style of TV shows he produces like ‘Punk’d’ and ‘Forever Young,’ which show that Aquarian nature shining through. 2014 is giving him some tough relationship ‘realities.’ April and May and September and October see both his Moon and Venus challenged by Saturn to create tangible ‘results’ in his love life.

Julian Venables

Article by Julian Venables

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