Samantha Rosalbo

Leo Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Speaking for yourself sees you value what you do slightly differently; you are a creative source after all. It’s all…

6 years ago

Aries Horoscope: August 30, 2018

You have insights that can help boost your creative efforts but to make it work well, you also need to…

6 years ago

Cancer Horoscope: August 30, 2018

A decision or evaluation about a money resource sees you thinking beautiful and helpful thoughts to friends or siblings. There's…

6 years ago

Pisces Horoscope: August 30, 2018

You’ve had coworkers or employees giving you confident ideas recently and this helps you to consider better relationships with them.…

6 years ago

Taurus Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Well you've gone and said it to the family now what you're going to do. Luckily your children (or a…

6 years ago

Aquarius Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Discussions with a partner take on various levels of meaning; it’s down to the money, values and the love of…

6 years ago

Libra Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Chatting with friends sees you feel secret attraction for someone. You want to make deep-seated changes to your life and…

6 years ago

Scorpio Horoscope: August 30, 2018

You’re broadcasting career ideas which attract you toward a different group with different objectives. Again, you have to be attentive…

6 years ago

Capricorn Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Ongoing discussions about shared money and investments leads you toward simply wanting more freedom in relationships to roam as you…

6 years ago

Today’s Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Mercury in Leo calls for the use of some charmed words, as what can be said could be penetratingly deep…

6 years ago

Gemini Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Speaking it because it has to be said, especially to people close to you, then has you turning to beloved…

6 years ago

Virgo Horoscope: August 30, 2018

Secretive thoughts push you to love yourself more and take care of your body and let your inner beauty shine.…

6 years ago

Leo Horoscope: August 29, 2018

You want to say things about yourself and your situation to your family, but it might, in fact, be better…

6 years ago

Today’s Horoscope: August 29, 2018

Mercury, planet of ideas, makes a tense square alignment to Jupiter, planet of expansion. This is testing time for decisions.…

6 years ago

Capricorn Horoscope: August 29, 2018

You’ve been thinking about making changes that’s brought about by what your friends are doing. Be careful you don’t adopt…

6 years ago

Cancer Horoscope: August 29, 2018

You’re being encouraged to be extravagant where finances are involved. You might have difficulty in seeing the negative when it…

6 years ago

Virgo Horoscope: August 29, 2018

Your interests are diverse, but scattered at the moment. Stick to what you know already without too much exaggeration, and…

6 years ago

Aries Horoscope: August 29, 2018

You’re searching for a meaning to the whole situation and being obviously uncritical when a more subjective insight is required.…

6 years ago

Pisces Horoscope: August 29, 2018

You’re thinking expansive thoughts, but how far can they take you when day-to-day practicality is required? You want to play…

6 years ago

Taurus Horoscope: August 29, 2018

Try to avoid making a judgment about a difficult family situation, as a rash decision can be the cause of…

6 years ago