
Can Mel Gibson Make A Comeback? Yes, He Can!

This weekend Mel Gibson is making his return to the big screen in The Beaver, a family drama directed by…

14 years ago

Game Of Thrones – Season One

HBO’s original TV programming is always one notch above the other channels (Showtime is really the only direct rival). From…

14 years ago

Water For Elephants

In the 1930s, the Depression hit America extremely hard. People were out of jobs; they were losing their houses. The…

14 years ago


There are two types of kids’ movies. One: the Pixar/Dreamworks films that are enjoyable for all ages and are very…

14 years ago

Stop Hating On Rebecca Black

There’s no denying that Rebecca Black is not the best singer in the world. Nor does her music video come…

14 years ago


Ever think about how terrifying a ceiling fan is? Probably not. You also probably didn’t grow up in the wintry…

14 years ago