
Hysterical by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah might be a wordy name for a band, but it is such an appropriate title…

13 years ago


Moneyball opens with a black screen and the static noise of a raucous baseball game, a world series game. Layered…

13 years ago

My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business by Dick Van Dyke

While reading this book, I constantly had people coming up to me (having seen Dick Van Dyke hamming it up…

13 years ago

The Office – Season Eight

The national debate about what makes The Office such a universally adored show is typically centered around whether the show’s…

13 years ago

And Furthermore By Judi Dench

The Dame. When a lot of people think about Judi Dench, they think about her iconic role in Shakespeare in…

13 years ago

Stories I Only Tell My Friends By Rob Lowe

The title of Rob Lowe’s autobiography - Stories I only Tell My Friends - has an incredibly appropriate undertone to…

13 years ago

Who Is America’s Royal Couple?

Who is America’s Royal Couple? The Kim Kardashian wedding was a major reality television hoopla. I don’t personally know anyone…

13 years ago

Joe Calderone – Too Much?

It was the VMAs, and Lady Gaga was performing. She has never been the artist to just give a fun…

14 years ago

Lindsey Lohan Can't Hold A Candle In The Wind To Marilyn Monroe

Over the years, Lindsay Lohan has not so subtly pushed the idea on the public that she is a modern…

14 years ago

An Eyewitness To Gerard Depardieu's Plane Peeing Incident

I feel sad to be boarding this plane to Dublin after the most incredible tour of lovely Paris. I've seen…

14 years ago