Leo Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

If you extend yourself, especially at home with a social event, then you can gain attention and interest for your…

Aquarius Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

You’ve been improving relationships with authority and parent-like figures but your rebellious spirit rises up from the deep and suddenly…

Taurus Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

Were you expecting a beautiful partner to walk right on into your life? Probably not. Whether or not you’re in…

Sagittarius Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

Secret longings and wishful attractions should be kept behind the scenes but it’s likely that something exciting and unexpected pops…

Gemini Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

Out of the blue and unexpectedly a co-worker or employee changes the way they relate to you which can be…

Cancer Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

Social affairs are stimulating particularly as a friend comes up with a genius and rather eccentric action – oriented flashes…

Pisces Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

A romantic connection makes a sudden and unexpected move, which you feel to keep your distance. The truth of a…

Today’s Daily Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

Venus planet of values and money makes a challenging alignment to Uranus planet of the unusual. A sudden relationship might…

Aries Horoscope: Oct. 30, 2018

6 years ago

A deeper understanding of a relationship comes to the surface, and a sudden change in how shared resources or investments…

Kanye West Designs ‘Blexit’ T-Shirts Encouraging Black Democrats To Abandon Party

6 years ago

Kanye West took his support for President Donald Trump to the next level over the weekend. On Saturday, the outspoken 41-year-old rapper revealed…