Prince Andrew is very particular about his teddy bears. In his new book, royal author Tom Quinn shared that Prince Andrew has a prized collection of plush bears that he demands be kept in a very specific order. The book, Yes, Ma’am: The Secret Life of Royal Servants, was researched through hundreds of interview with former and current palace staff members.

“The story of Prince Andrew and the teddy bears is very revealing,” Quinn told Fox News. “Various members of staff who’ve worked for him have told me this is very typical of him. He is quite eccentric, and he has a collection of teddy bears, which he insists are placed every day in a certain position…a pyramid shape. And he gets very cross if it’s not done properly… he really doesn’t do anything for himself.”


Quinn continued, “He has a member of staff who puts the teddy bears in order… There are quite a few – in the position that he likes every day. And I know that in the past… if they’re not placed exactly as he wants, he can be quite short-tempered and angry about it. So when he finds someone who is very good at it, he clings to them, and he gets the same person to do it every day.”

Prince Andrew is not among the palace staff’s favorite member of the Royal family to attend to. “A lot of his staff don’t think very much of him because they think he’s entitled and quite bad-tempered,” Quinn said. “And a lot of his bad temper, I think, is frustration because, in many ways, he felt he would be a better king than Charles, his brother.”

Quinn declared, “[Andrew] is less introspective, he’s less sensitive…He does tend to take it out on the staff…that’s something that many members of staff and ex-members of staff have said to me… he’s too fussy. And the teddy bears are a good example of that.”

A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace told the outlet, “We don’t comment on such books.”

A former Buckingham Palace maid reported to The Sun in 2022 that she was tasked with organizing Prince Andrew’s toys by size every morning in the mid-90s. She claimed that the royal had 72 teddy bears at the time.

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Article by Baila Eve Zisman

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