Devin Aguilar, 35, a high school all-state football star who went on to have a brief career in the NFL, was released from Arapahoe County, Arizona, Jail last month after serving less than a year for an armed $1.2 million cash heist in 2021.

The player’s plan to steal over one $1 million worth of marijuana profits failed once he realized the bags of cash were too heavy to carry, leading him to hide the stolen profits in the Colorado woods and run from the scene.

Another mistake on Aguilar’s part was forgetting his gloves in one of the money bags he had plotted to take. 

Arapahoe County authorities were able to trace DNA from the lost gloves and match it back to the former football star, who was already in the system from a prior burglary. 

“It was orchestrated perfectly. He knew exactly what he was doing,” said Arapahoe County Sheriff Investigations Sgt. Brett Cohn. “Every square inch of his body was covered.”

“There’s no such thing as the perfect crime,” said Cohn. “This was definitely not the perfect crime. It’s 100% an inside job.”

At the time, Agular had been dating Fawn Huya, 54, a bank teller at the cash transport service he had planned to knock over. 

While Huya told authorities she did not know her partner’s plan to rob the place, cops later found sketches on her phone that orchestrated Aguilar’s plans. 

On December 1, 2021, the football player, dressed in black, snuck up on a transport van driver who was pulling into the company garage with the marijuana profits that Aguilar had planned to take. 

The driver had no idea she was being followed until Aguilar came onto her with a pistol. Holding her at gunpoint, Aguilar ordered the driver to fill the trash bags with cash, then took off with the money slung over his shoulder. 


The player’s “foolproof” plan turned flawed when he realized he wasn’t strong enough to carry all the money. 

“Extremely dumb,” Cohn said. “You can plan meticulously for six months, but there were clearly mistakes made.”

Huya, confessing to her role in the grand scheme, admitted to armed robbery and was sentenced to six months in jail, along with probation. 

Aguilar also took a deal, leading him to plead guilty to felony theft and aggravated robbery. 

Prosecutors who handled the case asked Judge Joseph Whitfield to imprison him for 15 to 20 years, but Whitfield jailed him for only one. 

Aguilar, who served only seven months behind bars, claimed he wants a second chance. 

“I’m taking full accountability,” he told the judge. “I was ashamed, but I’m no longer ashamed, for accountability has been taken. I’m ready for another opportunity.”

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Kayleigh Donachie

Article by Kayleigh Donachie