GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley addressed Donald Trump‘s mocking remarks about her husband and voiced her concerns about his cognitive decline in a new interview.

Trump recently targeted Haley’s husband, Michael Haley, for his absence on the campaign trail due to his current deployment overseas as a National Guardsman.

The former South Carolina governor and U.N. Ambassador under the Trump administration, Haley expressed her resilience in the face of Trump’s attacks on her family and emphasized the broader impact of such disparagement on all members of the military.

“To mock my husband, Michael, is something we can handle,” Haley told the Today Show‘s Craig Melvin. “But when one member of the military is mocked, it reflects on all members of our armed forces.”

Melvin noted in response, “But the reality is, he’s talked about the military for years now in disparaging ways… suckers, losers, John McCain, gold star families, what’s different now? What’s different this time?

Haley explained, “Before, when he did it, it was during the 2016 election. Everybody thought, ‘Oh, did he have a slip? What? What did that mean?’ …The problem now is he is not the same person he was in 2016. He is unhinged. He is more diminished than he then he was.”

This is not the first time Haley has raised concerns about Trump’s treatment of the military, and she previously attributed low recruitment rates to his actions during her tenure as U.N. Ambassador.

Melvin brought up Haley’s past support for Trump, along with her endorsement and active role in his campaign, and Haley clarified that while she had voted for Trump twice and proudly served in his administration, she always acknowledged his missteps.

She said, “Since I got out of the administration, I have called him out multiple times, which is why he’s upset because he thinks I’m disloyal. I’m not loyal to anyone. I don’t do that. What I do is I call it out. If you’re right, you’re right. If you’re wrong, you’re wrong. I’m going to call it out every time.”

At another point, she concluded, “He is not qualified to be president.”

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